bolts and screws -九游会ag

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bolts and screws


hexagon flange bolts

standards: din6921



standards: din975/ b.s. / ansi


hexagon nuts

standards: din934

bright mild steel hex nuts

standards: b.s.1083


hex nuts and hex jam nuts

standards: ansi/ asme b18.2.2 1986 ifi d-5 (d-6)


hexagon thin nuts

standards: din936


square thin nuts

standards: din562 / b.s.

square screws nuts

standards: ansi/ asme b18.6.3 1972 ifi d-26


hexagon head bolts

standards: din931/ din601


hexagon head screws

standards: din933/ din558


hex bolts

standards: ansi/ asme b18.2.1 1981

            ifi c-6 ( a-6)


hex cap screws

standards: ansi/ asme b18.2.1 1981

             ifi c-10  ( a-10)


mushroom head square neck bolts

standards: din603

round head square neck bolts

standards: ansi/asme b18.5 1978 ifi c-40



hexagon socket head cap screws

standards: din912

address: no.25, baoding road, heping district,tianjing,china   zip:300040  
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